Find Well-being Resources (Dimensions)

Campus resources are often available virtually. Please visit the unit's website directly to learn about their virtual services.

For a short list of well-being resources, see Resources for Student Well-being.

To connect with student organizations, check out Maize Pages.

Below you can search by goals, dimensions of well-being, or by search terms.

Dimensions of Well-being


A resource for all, CEW+ provides career and education counseling, scholarships, and emergency grants.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides student-focused mental health services to currently enrolled U-M undergraduate and graduate students.


Together, with a diverse CAPS staff who represent multiple social identities including, but not limited to, racial/ethnic, country of origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, languages spoken, and age, we can provide consultation, brief individual, couples and group therapy, lunch series, support groups, clinical workshops, urgent/crisis interventions, and assistance with referrals.


Through campus-wide partnerships, CAPS can also help students connect with other U-M resources.


In order to discuss how to best tailor services to address individual needs, students are encouraged to come to the CAPS office the Michigan Union (Suite 4079) or to one of our 13 Embedded sites and schedule an Initial Consultation with a staff member.

Course on Brilliant, Passionate You

This non-academic Michigan Onloine course is an interdisciplinary look at how we can make each day the best day of our lives by examining the question, “How can you be your most brilliant, passionate self?”


You will envision your “perfect day” and then slowly deconstruct the elements of that day to better understand key elements such as finding your purpose, defining success, mental and physical health, the importance of community, and navigating risks and challenges. In addition, you will hear stories from a diverse array of individuals, including students, doctors, teachers, professional storytellers, professional athletes, coaches, and others sharing their own journeys, communities, and sources of inspiration.

Course on Disinformation, Misinformation, and Fake News Teach-Out

In this “Teach-Out” through Michigan Online, you will learn how to navigate the digital information landscape, identify fake news, and gain critical skills in media and information literacy.

At a time when information can be instantaneously and globally communicated, the threat of consuming misleading or false information looms large. Unverified digital information can sway public beliefs about politics, health, science, and current events, and can influence how people perceive differing opinions, experiences, and cultures. Global citizens have to navigate an increasing reliance on social media for critical facts, huge amounts of “fake news” online, and the consequences of disinformation and misinformation in daily digital life.

Course on Finding Common Ground

 The "Teach-Out" is an non-academic Michigan Online course about how you can overcome divisiveness, get beyond division, and work together. To that end, we present the Common Ground Framework for moving beyond partisanship and getting past polarization. Join the conversation and learn how to find a common ground, where it exists, and how to build one where it is needed.

Course on Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most

In this Michigan Online non-academic course,  you’ll learn how science, philosophy and practice all play a role in both finding your purpose and living a purposeful life. You will hear from historical figures and individuals about their journeys to finding and a life of meaning by walking through different exercises that will help you find your own purpose and what matters to you the most.  

Course on Practicing Gratitude Teach-Out

This non-academic Michigan Online course presents the science and benefits of gratitude practices, including practical ways to bring it into your own life and recognition that gratitude and struggle can coexist. It’s both for anyone new to the idea of gratitude practices and for people who routinely use positive psychology in their life. 


Even though gratitude is possible and can help in those tough times, be sure to give yourself some grace when you’re not up to the practice. In this Teach-Out, you will learn how to do just that.