Find Well-being Resources (Dimensions)

Campus resources are often available virtually. Please visit the unit's website directly to learn about their virtual services.

For a short list of well-being resources, see Resources for Student Well-being.

To connect with student organizations, check out Maize Pages.

Below you can search by goals, dimensions of well-being, or by search terms.

Dimensions of Well-being

Finance for Everyone: Smart Tools for Decision Making

Want to learn how to think clearly about important financial decisions and improve your financial literacy? Finance for Everyone will showcase the beauty and power of finance.

This introductory finance course will be a gateway into the world of finance and will examine multiple applications to apply to your everyday life. Join us to better understand how to apply frameworks and tools to make smart financial choices.

Find a study group!

Forming study groups can be difficult, especially during a remote semester. Don't worry - others feel this way, too, which has led to some great resources!

Here's a few new tools to help you find a group:

  • UMich StudyBuddies uses a 60-second form to pair you with 4 others in your class who have similar study habits, interests, and club affiliations. You can fill it out for each one of your classes! 
  • You can also utilize their FindMyClassGroupMe site: simply type your class title into the search box, and then click to be taken to a GroupMe join link, where you can connect and chat with others in your class.